sea turtle research

Leatherback hatchlings in a changing world

Leatherback hatchlings in a changing world

Upwell’s Laboratory Veterinarian Dr. Sam Kuschke is investigating the bacteria that lives on the skin of leatherback sea turtle hatchlings, blood values in leatherback sea turtle hatchlings, and the effect that climate change has on both.

Living the Dream: Life as a Scientist Who Studies Sea Turtles

Living the Dream: Life as a Scientist Who Studies Sea Turtles

One of the first things people say to me when they find out I’m a scientist that studies sea turtles is: “Wow, you are living everyone’s childhood dream!”. I am living my childhood dream, though my day-to-day work may be  different from what most people expect when they think of being a marine biologist. So, what is it really like?

Learning from sea turtle piggy-backers

Learning from sea turtle piggy-backers

Researchers collect barnacles from incidentally captured and stranded sea turtles to learn more about their habitat use. Live turtles are released directly into the sea following barnacle collection.