Marine research

Learning from sea turtle piggy-backers

Learning from sea turtle piggy-backers

Researchers collect barnacles from incidentally captured and stranded sea turtles to learn more about their habitat use. Live turtles are released directly into the sea following barnacle collection.

Leatherback Sea Turtles as Sentinels for Ocean Health

Leatherback Sea Turtles as Sentinels for Ocean Health

How do you weigh an adult leatherback sea turtle often likened to the size of a Volkswagen Bug?! Upwell’s Wildlife Veterinarian, Dr. Heather Harris, shares her innovative approach to measure the health of leatherback sea turtles during her recent field study in Florida.

How satellite tracking can help save endangered sea turtles

How satellite tracking can help save endangered sea turtles

Through satellite tracking data, we can identify critical inter-nesting, migration and foraging habitats throughout the migration range of East Pacific leatherbacks. This information is essential for leatherback conservation and more holistic transboundary management initiatives,